The most therapeutic hot tubs can aid in muscle recovery and overall quality of life, reduce stiffness and stress, and improve relationships and sleep. But to take full advantage of a therapeutic spa, you must use it often. A quality spa that’s easy to use on a daily basis and that includes features that best support wellness will provide the most therapeutic experiences.
There are three major forces behind effective hot tub hydrotherapy. Together, they help ease aches and pains and improve sleep and emotional well-being:
- Buoyancy. In water, the human body is buoyant. So, a hot tub soak provides a respite from the constant force of gravity and relieves sore muscles and joints.
- Heat. The warm water of a spa dilates blood vessels, allowing blood to flow through them more freely. This helps flush lactic acid buildup from muscles, especially after a workout, and rushes oxygen and nutrients them to speed up recovery.
- Massage. Water immersion produces hydrostatic pressure that helps to support the body, reduce swelling, and compress the muscles, reducing muscle fatigue. Massaging jets increase the pressure to further enhance these benefits.
Sleep is an important part of your physical and emotional health, and a hot tub soak before bed can help you get a better night’s rest. Your body temperature naturally falls when you begin to drift off to sleep. The cooling period after a warm soak triggers that same natural response. When you’re well rested and able to maintain a regular sleep pattern, you’ll feel more energetic during the day and more mentally and emotionally resilient.
Click here to Watch the video to learn how a hot tub can have a profound impact on your life.
Manufacturers of quality spas, including Hot Spring® spas, are dedicated to doing more than just making hot tubs—they are invested in creating great experiences. The three main factors that help ensure great experiences and overall customer satisfaction are the same factors that inspire you to use your hot tub every day: reliability, convenience, and ease of maintenance.
Reliability. A quality hot tub is carefully engineered and precision-designed to provide you with clean, clear water every time you soak. Top manufacturers, Hot Spring included, are trade certified and recognized with International Organization for Standards (ISO) certification for manufacturing and reliability.
Convenience. If your spa isn’t easy to use, you’re less likely to take advantage of its therapeutic benefits. So, in addition to considering the most convenient location for your home spa, you’ll want to invest in a hot tub cover lifter. A cover lifter makes it easy to remove and replace the spa cover for daily use. A top-quality spa will come with a properly fitted and insulated cover that will protect the hot tub shell and bar top from the sun’s punishing UV rays, keep the water warm for hydrotherapy, and prevent debris from entering the spa and clogging the filters.
Ease of care. The easier it is to care for your spa water and filters, the more you’ll soak. A cartridge-based water sanitizing system, such as the FROG® @ease® IN-LINE system, makes it simple to keep spa water clean and balanced. The system releases sanitizing chemicals slowly, over time, so you spend less time on maintenance. Spa filters should be of high quality, easily accessible, and simple to clean. Tri-X® filters on Hot Spring spas are top loading—inserted and removed for cleaning through a panel on the spa’s bar top. To clean the filters, simply spray them with a dealer-recommended cleaner or degreaser and then rinse with a garden hose. For a deeper clean, soak the filters overnight and then rinse, or run them through a dishwasher without soap. Clean filters will keep your jets flowing at full force for great hydrotherapy massage.
Discover other spa accessories that will make your therapeutic hot tub easier to use every day.
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